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- Album1
- Event5
- LINZ426
- Photo301
- Original...
- Slide 158
- Film 91
- Print 36
- Digital Upload 7
- Glass Plate 2
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- R Unwin 46
- Unknown 16
- Peter Otway 15
- Brian Reid 9
- Garth Matterson 5
- Garth Matterson 5
- W R Logie 5
- M Laird 4
- Robert Baden Thomson 4
- Dave Skinner 3
- National Science Foundation 3
- Watts 3
- Desmond Rowles 2
- Frank Kazukaitis 2
- L R Mathis 2
- P Hunt 2
- R L Boon 2
- W L Lewandoski 2
- B E Read 1
- B M Anderson 1
- C Horne 1
- C Patten 1
- D Goldschmidt 1
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- E B Barfield 1
- EB Barfield 1
- H F Griffiths 1
- J D Reimer 1
- J Lennox-King 1
- J W Beagley 1
- Jim Lowery 1
- John Cranfield 1
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- M Bradstock 1
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- Wally W Herbert 1
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- Scott Base 67
- McMurdo Sound 21
- Cape Hallett 19
- McMurdo Station 16
- Hallett Station 10
- Byrd Glacier 8
- Cape Adare 7
- Byrd Station 6
- Campbell Island 5
- Cape Evans 5
- Arrival Heights 3
- Hut Point 3
- Nimrod Glacier 3
- Cape Royds 2
- Dry Valleys 2
- Hallett Bay 2
- Mount Hamilton 2
- Observation Hill 2
- Taylor Valley 2
- Beardmore Glacier 1
- Beaumont Bay 1
- Canyons Bay 1
- Cape Sastrugi 1
- Cape Selborne 1
- Christchurch 1
- Coastal Range 1
- Granite Harbour 1
- Horney Bluff 1
- Ice Runway 1
- Marble Point 1
- McMurdo Ice 1
- Moubray Bay 1
- Mount Egerton 1
- Mount Erebus 1
- Mount Herschel 1
- Mount Melbourne 1
- Mount Selbourne 1
- NZOI Station 1
- Pegasus Airstrip 1
- Priestley Glacier 1
- Ross Island 1
- Ross Sea 1
- South Pole 1
- Southern Ocean 1
- Station Kon Peak 1
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- 1960-1961 301
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