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- Event7
- LINZ1011
- Photo766
- Original...
- Film 403
- Slide 258
- Print 93
- Digital Upload 1
- Negative 1
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- Guy Mannering 63
- Unknown 53
- H S Gair 8
- W R Logie 7
- Brian Reid 6
- Dave Skinner 6
- Howard O'Kane 6
- G B McKenty 5
- John Ricker 5
- Peter Otway 4
- B Wood 3
- Charles V Renaud 3
- Garth Matterson 3
- Claude Taylor 2
- G Cotterill 2
- Malcolm Woodgyer 2
- R I Walcott 2
- R L Boon 2
- Ron Hewson 2
- A C Bibby 1
- Alistair Battye 1
- Andrew Harper 1
- B M Anderson 1
- C Taylor 1
- CBT 1
- Cullen A Bryan 1
- D.K. 1
- Edward G Rohrer 1
- Garth Matterson 1
- J W Beagley 1
- John Cranfield 1
- Joseph L Edge 1
- K Thompson 1
- L R Mathis 1
- Le-Vaux 1
- Linda Harrison 1
- Manuel Perez 1
- Marco J Billante 1
- Neil Sandford 1
- Philip T McClure 1
- R H Lane 1
- R Swann 1
- R Unwin 1
- Robert Baden Thomson 1
- Thomas J Regina 1
- Vic McGregor 1
Show More - Location...
- Scott Base 90
- Dry Valleys 76
- McMurdo Sound 40
- Cape Royds 39
- Cape Hallett 29
- McMurdo Station 21
- Mount Erebus 18
- Hut Point 15
- Williams Air Operating Facility 11
- Darwin Glacier 9
- Tucker Glacier 8
- Brown Hills 7
- Hallett Station 7
- Cape Evans 6
- Moubray Bay 6
- Observation Hill 6
- Ross Sea 6
- Sea Ice 5
- South Pole 5
- Ferrar Glacier 4
- Hallett Bay 4
- Inexpressible Island 4
- Koettlitz Glacier 4
- Polar Plateau 4
- Aviator Glacier 3
- Barne Glacier 3
- Cape Bird 3
- Cape Crozier 3
- Lake Bonney 3
- Rennick Glacier 3
- Williams Field 3
- Balleny Islands 2
- Cape Adare 2
- Davis Glacier 2
- Hells Gate 2
- Husky Dome 2
- Hut Point Peninsula 2
- Ironside Glacier 2
- Larsen Glacier 2
- McKay Cliffs 2
- Minna Bluff 2
- Mount Bird 2
- Robert Scott Glacier 2
- Section Peak 2
- Sequence Hill 2
- Staircase Glacier 2
- Antarctica 1
- Axel Heiberg Glacier 1
- Bastion Island 1
- Beaufort Island 1
- Byrd Station 1
- Campbell Glacier 1
- Campbell Island 1
- Cape Barne 1
- Cape Washington 1
- Dismal Buttress 1
- Drygalski Ice Tongue 1
- Edisto Inlet 1
- Erebus Glacier Tongue 1
- Illusion Hills 1
- Lichen Hills 1
- Little Razorback Island 1
- Mawson Glacier 1
- Minna 1
- Mount Discovery 1
- Mount Douglas 1
- Mount Frustrum 1
- Mount Herschel 1
- Mount Murchison 1
- Mount Nansen 1
- Pegasus Airfield 1
- Recoil Glacier 1
- Ridley Beach 1
- Ross Ice Shelf 1
- Ross Island 1
- Sheerface Mountain 1
- Skelton Glacier 1
- Taylor Glacier 1
- Taylor Valley 1
- Tryggve Point 1
- Veto Gap 1
- Victoria Land 1
- south pole 1
Show More - Programme...
- Event...
- Season...
- 1962-1963 768
- No. People...
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- Video1
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