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Unique aliphatic amidase from a psychrotrophic and haloalkal
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Time-Dependent Freshwater Input From Ice Shelves: Impacts on
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The influence of Antarctic subglacial volcanism on the globa
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Taxonomic and functional diversity of soil and hypolithic mi
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Sea ice and snow cover characteristics during the winter-spr
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Protection of Antarctic soil environments: A review of the c
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Poststagnation Retreat of Kamb Ice Stream's Grounding Zone
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Microbial communities and their predicted metabolic function
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Meteoric Be-10 from Sirius Group suggests high elevation McM
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Mapping daily air temperature for Antarctica Based on MODIS
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Long-term climate change in the D-region
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Is ice sheet collapse in West Antarctica unstoppable?: Most
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Identification of an avian polyomavirus associated with Adé
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Geometry and ice dynamics of the Darwin-Hatherton glacial sy
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Evidence for a recent origin of penguins
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Energy from thin air
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Diverse cryptic refuges for life during glaciation
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Cold physiology: Postprandial blood flow dynamics and metabo
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Brine Convection, Temperature Fluctuations, and Permeability
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Antarctic climate variability on regional and continental sc
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Antarctic climate and ice-sheet configuration during the ear
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Aerobiology over antarctica - A new initiative for atmospher
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Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom biostratigraphy of nearshore Ant
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Sea ice microbial production supports Ross Sea benthic commu
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