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- Research3
- Year...
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- Article 2
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- Forecasting 3
- Antarctica 2
- Antarctic Regions 1
- Artificial intelligence 1
- Atmospheric temperature 1
- Automatic weather stations 1
- Classification (of information) 1
- Climate Change 1
- Climate change 1
- Complex networks 1
- Conformal mapping 1
- Conservation of Natural Resources 1
- Decision trees 1
- Ecosystem 1
- Feature extraction 1
- Forward feature selections 1
- Geographic location 1
- Human Activities 1
- Humans 1
- Land surface temperature 1
- Learning systems 1
- Linear regression 1
- Machine learning approaches 1
- Mesoscale forecasting 1
- Near surface air temperature 1
- Numerical weather prediction/forecasting 1
- Public Policy 1
- Radiometers 1
- Regression analysis 1
- Remote sensing 1
- Self organizing maps 1
- Simple linear regression, Learning algorithms, rank3 1
- Statistical techniques 1
- Time series 1
- Topographic effects, Weather forecasting, rank5 1
- Travel, rank5 1
- Weather information services 1
- Weather information services, Air temperature 1
- Wind, Antarctica 1
- animal 1
- article 1
- climate change 1
- conservation planning 1
- ecosystem 1
- ecosystem restoration 1
- environmental change 1
- environmental protection 1
- forecasting 1
- future prospect 1
- human 1
- human activities 1
- marine environment 1
- policy 1
- priority journal 1
- resource development, Antarctica 1
- review 1
- travel, Antarctica, Animals 1
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