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- Research10
- Year...
- Type...
- Article 9
- Keywords...
- Ice shelves 10
- ice shelf 9
- East Antarctica 6
- Antarctica 5
- Ross ice shelves 4
- Sea ice 4
- Glacial geology 3
- Glaciers 3
- Isotopes 3
- McMurdo Ice Shelf 3
- McMurdo Sound, rank5 3
- Oceanography 3
- Platelets 3
- Pleistocene 3
- Ross Ice Shelf 3
- Ross Sea 3
- Sea ice formations 3
- West Antarctica, rank5 3
- ice sheet 3
- sea ice 3
- Deposits 2
- Heat flux 2
- Ice crystals 2
- Ice sheet 2
- Kamb Ice Stream 2
- Last Glacial Maximum 2
- Late Pleistocene 2
- Melting 2
- Surface waters 2
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet 2
- grounding line 2
- ice-ocean interaction 2
- oxygen isotope 2
- sea ice, Antarctica 2
- Age constraints 1
- Age data 1
- Austral summers 1
- Barotropic currents 1
- C-axis orientations 1
- Chronostratigraphy 1
- Climate models 1
- Climatic evolution 1
- Climatology 1
- Crystallographic information 1
- Crystals 1
- Current velocity 1
- Data sets 1
- Depositional sequences 1
- Diurnal component 1
- Drill hole 1
- Drill sites 1
- Drills 1
- Electric grounding 1
- Flexural loading 1
- Floating state 1
- Freshwater 1
- General circulation model 1
- Geographic location 1
- Geometric arguments 1
- Geometric properties 1
- Geometry 1
- Grain boundaries 1
- Grain boundary grooves 1
- Grain shapes 1
- Growth rate 1
- Heat transport 1
- Heat-up 1
- High resolution 1
- Horizontal section 1
- Ice 1
- Ice crystal growth 1
- Ice formations 1
- Ice grains 1
- Ice samples 1
- Ice sheet dynamics 1
- Ice sheet history 1
- Ice streams 1
- Ice structures 1
- Ice surface elevation 1
- Ice surfaces 1
- Ice-ocean interactions 1
- Ice-water interfaces 1
- In-situ 1
- Interglacial periods 1
- Interglacials 1
- Isotope fractionation 1
- Kamb ice streams 1
- Late Miocene 1
- Late Pliocene 1
- Loading 1
- Marine Isotope Stage 7 1
- McMurdo Sound 1
- Mercer Ice Stream 1
- Middle Miocene 1
- Milankovitch 1
- Minor axis 1
- Mooring, Antarctic ice sheets 1
- Neo genes 1
- Neogene 1
- Neogene tectonic 1
- Ocean observations 1
- Oceanic conditions 1
- Oceanic flow 1
- Oceanic heat flux 1
- Oceanic mixed layers, Ice, freshwater input 1
- Open ocean 1
- Orbital control 1
- Oxygen 1
- Oxygen isotope fractionations 1
- Oxygen isotopes 1
- Palaeoclimatology 1
- Percolation theory 1
- Phase sensitive 1
- Photography 1
- Platelet crystals 1
- Pliocene 1
- Polar environments 1
- Radar 1
- Radar measurement, Channel formation 1
- Rate measurements 1
- Reflection 1
- Retrospective method 1
- Rock drills 1
- Ross Embayment 1
- Salinity measurement 1
- Satellite imagery, Glaciology 1
- Sea floor 1
- Sea ice growth, Crystal growth 1
- Sea ice models 1
- Sea ice salinity 1
- Sedimentary deposits 1
- Sedimentation 1
- Sedimentation model 1
- Sedimentological interpretations 1
- Sedimentology 1
- Seismic datas 1
- Seismic networks 1
- Seismic reflectors 1
- Seismology 1
- Sequence boundary 1
- Sequence stratigraphy 1
- Size and shape 1
- Southern Ocean, Bacillariophyta 1
- Southern Ocean, rank5 1
- Spatial fields 1
- Stratigraphy 1
- Stratigraphy, Glacial geology, diamictite 1
- Streaklines 1
- Subglacial hydrology 1
- Subglacial waters, Ice, basal melting 1
- Supercooling 1
- Tectonics, Volcanoes, biostratigraphy 1
- Temperature measurement, Growth rate, ice crystal 1
- Thermodynamic sea ice model, Ice, basal melting 1
- Thin section 1
- Three dimensional, Crystal orientation, crystal structure 1
- Time series, Antarctic sea ice 1
- Uncertainty analysis, Antarctic ice shelves 1
- Vertical section, Crystal growth 1
- Vertical seismic profiles 1
- Volcanic deposits 1
- Volcanic event 1
- Volcaniclastics, Deposits 1
- Water velocities, Ice, air-sea interaction 1
- Water, Antarctica 1
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Anoxic sediments 1
- West Antarctica 1
- West Antarctica, rank3 1
- West antarctica, Ice, glacier retreat 1
- Whillans Ice Stream, rank3 1
- Winter time, Sea ice, fluid flow 1
- Zanclea, rank5 1
- basal melting 1
- channelization 1
- chronology 1
- crystallography 1
- data set 1
- diamictite 1
- discharge 1
- drainage 1
- drilling 1
- estimation method 1
- general circulation model 1
- geometry 1
- glacial hydrology 1
- glacial-interglacial cycle 1
- glaciology 1
- grain boundary 1
- growth rate 1
- heat flux 1
- ice crystal 1
- ice flow 1
- isotopic composition 1
- isotopic fractionation 1
- laser method 1
- marine isotope stage 1
- meltwater 1
- mixed layer 1
- mudstone 1
- numerical model 1
- paleoclimate 1
- parameterization 1
- percolation 1
- radar 1
- salinity 1
- satellite imagery 1
- seafloor 1
- sediment core 1
- sedimentation 1
- sedimentation, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- sedimentology 1
- sequence stratigraphy 1
- subglacial environment, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- subtidal environment 1
- succession 1
- supercooling, Antarctica 1
- surface water, Antarctica 1
- tectonic evolution, Antarctica 1
- time series 1
- volcaniclastic deposit, Antarctica 1
- water column, Antarctica 1
- winter, Antarctica 1
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