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- Research2
- Year...
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- Article 2
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- Miocene 2
- Ocean currents 2
- Antarctica 1
- Article 1
- Carboxylation 1
- East Antarctica 1
- Geomagnetism 1
- Glaciers 1
- Indian Ocean 1
- Isotopes 1
- Kerguelen Plateau 1
- Kerguelen plateau 1
- Leptonychotes weddellii 1
- Long range transport 1
- Mammalia, rank3 1
- McMurdo 1
- McMurdo Sound, Leptonychotes weddellii 1
- Paleoclimates 1
- Paleomagnetism, Constrained optimization 1
- Perfluoroalkyl substances 1
- Pollution, Local pollutions 1
- Sediments, Biostratigraphy, biostratigraphy 1
- Southern Ocean, Bacillariophyta, rank3 1
- Weddell seals, Mammals, chemical compound 1
- animal tissue 1
- atmospheric transport 1
- bioaccumulation 1
- blood level 1
- blood sampling 1
- chemical pollutant 1
- chronostratigraphy 1
- concentration (composition) 1
- concentration (parameters) 1
- controlled study 1
- geoaccumulation 1
- geomagnetic field 1
- ice sheet 1
- ice shelf 1
- limit of detection 1
- long range transport 1
- marine species 1
- microfossil 1
- nonhuman 1
- paleoecology 1
- paleoenvironment 1
- paleomagnetism 1
- pefluorononanoate 1
- perfluoroalkyl carboxylate 1
- perfluoroalkyl substance 1
- perfluoroalkyl sulfonate 1
- perfluorobutane sulfonate 1
- perfluorobutanoate 1
- perfluoroctanoate 1
- perfluorodecane sulfonate 1
- perfluorodecanoate 1
- perfluorododecanoate 1
- perfluoroheptanoate 1
- perfluorohexane sulfonate 1
- perfluorohexanoate 1
- perfluorooctane sulfonamide 1
- perfluorooctanesulfonic acid 1
- perfluoropentanoate 1
- perfluorotetradecanoate 1
- perfluorotridecanoate 1
- perfluoroundecanoate 1
- perfluoroundecanoic acid 1
- pinniped 1
- plasma 1
- pollutant 1
- pollutant source 1
- pollutant transport 1
- pollution exposure, animal experiment 1
- seal, Antarctica 1
- sediment analysis 1
- sedimentation, Antarctic Circumpolar Current 1
- unclassified drug, atmospheric transport 1
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