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- Research4
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- Article 2
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- Paleoclimates 4
- Miocene 3
- Antarctica 2
- Glaciers 2
- Pleistocene 2
- ice sheet 2
- paleoclimate 2
- Antarctic climate 1
- Antarctica, rank5 1
- Co-occurrence 1
- Conventional methods 1
- Core samples 1
- Cosmogenic nuclides 1
- Crustal enrichment 1
- Data sets 1
- Decay model 1
- Denudation rates 1
- Dissolution 1
- Dry valley 1
- Dust 1
- East Antarctica 1
- Enrichment factors 1
- Experimental investigations 1
- Geomagnetism 1
- Glacial geology 1
- Glacial sediments 1
- Granite 1
- High elevation 1
- ICP-MS 1
- Ice 1
- Ice core 1
- Ice core records 1
- Ice sheet 1
- Indian Ocean 1
- Inductively coupled plasma 1
- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 1
- Iron ores 1
- Isotopes 1
- Isotopes, Antarctica 1
- Kerguelen Plateau 1
- Kerguelen plateau 1
- Landscape evolutions 1
- Late Miocene 1
- Leachates 1
- Leaching 1
- Manganese 1
- Mass spectrometers 1
- McMurdo Dry Valleys 1
- Mineral dust 1
- Neo genes 1
- Neogene 1
- Ocean currents 1
- Paleomagnetism, Constrained optimization 1
- Partial dissolution 1
- Particulate materials 1
- Pliocene, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- Pliocene, Ice, climate effect 1
- Rare earth elements 1
- Recovery 1
- Reproducibilities 1
- Sediments, Biostratigraphy, biostratigraphy 1
- Silicate minerals 1
- Sirius Group 1
- Southern Ocean, Bacillariophyta, rank3 1
- Stratigraphy, Landforms, beryllium isotope 1
- Time interval 1
- Trace analysis, Trace elements, acidification 1
- Trace element analysis 1
- Trace element concentrations, Acidification 1
- Warm climates, Glacial geology 1
- chronostratigraphy 1
- concentration (composition) 1
- cosmogenic radionuclide 1
- denudation 1
- dissolution 1
- dust 1
- enrichment 1
- ferromanganese deposit 1
- frozen ground 1
- future prospect 1
- geoaccumulation 1
- geomagnetic field 1
- glacial deposit 1
- glacial-interglacial cycle 1
- ice core 1
- ice cover 1
- ice margin 1
- ice shelf 1
- inductively coupled plasma method 1
- landscape evolution 1
- leachate 1
- lithology 1
- mass spectrometry 1
- microfossil 1
- oxide 1
- paleoecology 1
- paleoenvironment 1
- paleomagnetism 1
- phyllosilicate 1
- rare earth element 1
- sediment analysis 1
- sediment core 1
- sedimentation, Antarctic Circumpolar Current 1
- stratigraphy, Antarctica 1
- trace element, rank1 1
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