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- Research4
- Year...
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- Article 4
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- Oceanography 4
- Surface waters 4
- Sea ice 3
- Glaciers 2
- Ice shelves 2
- ice shelf 2
- Atmospheric chemistry 1
- Atmospheric temperature 1
- Chemical index of alterations 1
- Climate models 1
- East Antarctica 1
- East antarctic ice sheets 1
- Freshwater 1
- General circulation model 1
- Geochemistry 1
- Geographic location 1
- Glacial geology 1
- Greenhouse gases 1
- Growth rate 1
- Heat flux 1
- Ice break-up 1
- Ice floes 1
- Ice-ocean interactions 1
- In-situ observations 1
- Isotope fractionation 1
- Isotopes 1
- Long-period waves 1
- McMurdo Ice Shelf 1
- McMurdo Sound, rank5 1
- Mean annual temperatures 1
- Melting 1
- Ocean drilling programs 1
- Ocean-atmosphere system 1
- Ocean-ice-atmosphere system 1
- Oceanic mixed layers, Ice, freshwater input 1
- Oxygen isotope fractionations 1
- Retrospective method 1
- Sea ice formations 1
- Sea surface temperature (SST) 1
- Southern Ocean, rank5 1
- Stratigraphic records, Ice 1
- Stratigraphy 1
- Thermodynamic sea ice model, Ice, basal melting 1
- Uncertainty analysis, Antarctic ice shelves 1
- Water waves, Breakup models 1
- Water, Antarctica 1
- Wave attenuation, Ice, rank3 1
- Weathering, Atmospheric greenhouse 1
- general circulation model 1
- growth rate 1
- heat flux 1
- ice sheet 1
- ice-ocean interaction 1
- isotopic composition 1
- isotopic fractionation 1
- meltwater 1
- mixed layer 1
- oxygen isotope 1
- sea ice 1
- sea ice, Antarctica 1
- surface water, Antarctica 1
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