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- Research9
- Year...
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- Article 8
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- biomass 9
- chlorophyll a 3
- Bacillariophyta 2
- East Antarctica 2
- Ross Sea 2
- abundance 2
- alga 2
- microalga 2
- photosynthesis 2
- phytoplankton 2
- sea ice 2
- Abundance 1
- Antarctic Circumpolar Wave 1
- Antarctica 1
- Bacteria 1
- Biodiversity 1
- Biological controls 1
- Biology 1
- Cape Evans 1
- Casey Station 1
- Computerized tomography 1
- Dimethylsulfide 1
- Dimethylsulfoniopropionate 1
- Dinophyceae 1
- Dinophyceae, rank5 1
- Dynamics 1
- East Antarctica, algae, rank3 1
- Echo surveys 1
- Ecology 1
- Environmental stress 1
- Euphausiacea 1
- Fish 1
- Fisheries 1
- Forage fish 1
- Fragilariopsis kerguelensis 1
- Haptophyceae 1
- Karenia 1
- Karlodinium 1
- McMurdo Ice Shelf, rank5 1
- McMurdo Sound 1
- McMurdo sounds 1
- Phaeocystis antarctica, rank5 1
- Platelet crystals 1
- Pleuragramma antarcticum, rank5 1
- Ross Island, algae 1
- Salpida 1
- Sea ice 1
- Southern Ocean, Decapoda (Crustacea) 1
- Southern Ocean, Salpa thompsoni 1
- Southern Ocean, algae 1
- Southern Ocean, rank3 1
- Surveys, Geographical distribution, abundance 1
- Target strength, Acoustic properties 1
- Textures, Algal biomass 1
- Urochordata, rank3 1
- Vertical variation, Platelets, alga 1
- adult 1
- bacterium 1
- bioacoustics 1
- catchment 1
- census 1
- climate conditions 1
- climate effect 1
- coastal zone 1
- community composition 1
- continental shelf 1
- continental slope 1
- crustacean 1
- data set 1
- decadal variation 1
- diatom 1
- dimethylsulfide 1
- dimethylsulfoniopropionate 1
- dinoflagellate 1
- dissolved organic matter 1
- dominance 1
- ecosystem dynamics 1
- ecosystem response 1
- electrical conductivity 1
- estimation method 1
- filter feeding 1
- fishery management 1
- fishing community 1
- fishing industry 1
- floristics 1
- food chain 1
- geographical distribution 1
- growth rate 1
- ice alga 1
- ice cover 1
- ice shelf 1
- ice shelf, Antarctica 1
- ice thickness 1
- juvenile 1
- light 1
- limnology 1
- marine ecosystem 1
- marine resource 1
- meltwater 1
- metabolism 1
- microbial activity 1
- microbial community 1
- microcosm 1
- numerical model 1
- nutrient dynamics 1
- nutrient limitation 1
- pH 1
- pack ice 1
- perciform 1
- photoinhibition 1
- physicochemical property 1
- phytobenthos 1
- pond 1
- population distribution 1
- precautionary principle 1
- primary production 1
- sampling 1
- sea ice, Southern Ocean, algae 1
- seamount 1
- seasonal variation, Antarctica 1
- spatial distribution 1
- spatial variation, New Zealand 1
- spawning 1
- stock assessment 1
- teleost 1
- tomography 1
- transect 1
- transmittance 1
- trawling, Ross Sea 1
- uncertainty analysis, Antarctica 1
- vertical distribution 1
- water column 1
- water column, Ross Sea 1
- water depth, Antarctica 1
- wavelength, Antarctica, algae 1
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