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- Research6
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- Article 6
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- carbon monoxide 6
- FTIR spectroscopy 2
- Southern Hemisphere 2
- atmospheric chemistry 2
- biomass burning 2
- microbial community 2
- oxidation 2
- photosynthesis 2
- satellite data 2
- Antarctica 1
- Biomass-burning 1
- Carbon monoxide 1
- East Antarctica 1
- El Nino-Southern Oscillation 1
- Extratropics 1
- Fourier transform 1
- Fourier transform infrared 1
- Geobacter sulfurreducens 1
- Ground based measurement 1
- High Latitudes 1
- Long range correlations 1
- Measurements of pollution in the tropospheres 1
- Model data 1
- New zealand 1
- Northern Hemispheres 1
- Satellite data 1
- Short Survey 1
- Southern Hemisphere, Satellites, atmospheric modeling 1
- Southern Hemisphere, rank5 1
- Taylor Glacier, rank3 1
- Troposphere, Antarctica 1
- annual variation 1
- anthropogenic source 1
- atmospheric pollution 1
- biogenic emission 1
- carbon dioxide 1
- carbon emission 1
- carbon isotope 1
- cold 1
- comparative study 1
- computer simulation 1
- correlation 1
- desert 1
- ecosystem 1
- emission inventory 1
- energy 1
- ethane 1
- extreme environment 1
- formaldehyde 1
- genetic analysis 1
- genome analysis 1
- genomics 1
- glacier dynamics 1
- habitat 1
- hydrogen, energy 1
- infrared imagery 1
- infrared spectroscopy 1
- isoprene 1
- latitude 1
- measurement method 1
- methane, Antarctica 1
- microbial genome 1
- model validation 1
- monoterpene 1
- nonhuman 1
- numerical model 1
- priority journal 1
- satellite imagery 1
- soil microflora 1
- soil microorganism 1
- time series analysis 1
- trace gas, air 1
- troposphere, New Zealand, rank3 1
- uncertainty analysis, rank5 1
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