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- Research22
- Year...
- Type...
- Article 17
- Keywords...
- data set 22
- East Antarctica 6
- sea ice 4
- Antarctica 3
- McMurdo Sound 3
- Ross Sea 3
- carbon dioxide 3
- global change 3
- microclimate 3
- stratosphere 3
- Cyanobacteria 2
- Data sets 2
- Northern Hemisphere 2
- Northern Hemispheres 2
- Pacific Ocean 2
- Ross Ice Shelf 2
- Southern Hemisphere 2
- bone mineralization 2
- chemistry 2
- climate change 2
- climate modeling 2
- comparative study 2
- echinopluteus 2
- geomagnetic field 2
- geomagnetism 2
- global warming 2
- growth rate 2
- ionization 2
- irradiance 2
- larva 2
- lichen 2
- numerical model 2
- ocean acidification 2
- planetary wave 2
- population distribution 2
- quantitative analysis 2
- regression analysis 2
- remote sensing 2
- seawater 2
- selection 2
- solar radiation 2
- temperature profile 2
- troposphere 2
- wave modeling 2
- wave propagation 2
- Abundance 1
- Algal growth 1
- Algal growth rate 1
- Atmospheric surface layers 1
- Atmospheric temperature 1
- Atmospheric thermodynamics 1
- Atmospherics 1
- Biodiversity 1
- Boundary layers 1
- Buellia frigida 1
- C-axis orientations 1
- CMIP 1
- Calcification, Physiologic 1
- Carbon Dioxide 1
- Chlorophyll 1
- Chlorophyll accumulation 1
- Chronostratigraphy 1
- Climate Change 1
- Computerized tomography 1
- Crystallographic information 1
- Crystals 1
- DNA 1
- Diatom 1
- Dictyocoryne profunda, rank4 1
- Dilution limits 1
- Dilution rate 1
- Dissolved iron 1
- EOS 1
- Echo surveys 1
- Ecology 1
- Eddy covariance 1
- Estimation 1
- Euphausiacea 1
- Experiments 1
- FTIR spectroscopy 1
- Fish 1
- Fisheries 1
- Forage fish 1
- GPS 1
- Geography 1
- Geomagnetic activities 1
- Geomagnetic effects 1
- Geometric arguments 1
- Geometric properties 1
- Geometry 1
- Geopotentials 1
- Grain boundaries 1
- Grain boundary grooves 1
- Grain shapes 1
- Gravity waves 1
- Group velocities 1
- Hawaii [United States] 1
- Hawaiian Islands 1
- High resolution 1
- Horizontal section 1
- Ice 1
- Ice crystals 1
- Ice grains 1
- Ice shelves 1
- In-situ 1
- Inertia-gravity waves 1
- Initial concentration 1
- Landsat 1
- Larva 1
- Lidar temperature 1
- Light velocity 1
- Linear Models 1
- Loss ratio 1
- Marchantiophyta 1
- Mauna Loa, rank5 1
- McMurdo Dry Valleys, rank5 1
- McMurdo Ice Shelf, Bacillariophyta, rank5 1
- McMurdo Station 1
- Mesopause region 1
- Mesoscale 1
- Microwave limb sounder 1
- Minor axis 1
- Negative refractive index 1
- New zealand 1
- Number of components 1
- Nutrient concentrations 1
- Ocean-colour 1
- Oceans and Seas 1
- Pacific Ocean (Southwest), Beris 1
- Photography 1
- Physical factors 1
- Phytoplankton 1
- Planetary Waves 1
- Platelets 1
- Plates (structural components) 1
- Pleuragramma antarcticum, rank5 1
- Plio-pleistocene, Geomagnetism 1
- Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary 1
- Precipitation (chemical) 1
- Propagating wave modes 1
- Pulse-like 1
- Quasi-16-day waves 1
- Quasi-biennial oscillation 1
- Radar measurement, Elevation angle 1
- Refractive index 1
- Ross Island 1
- Ross ice shelves 1
- SF6 tracer 1
- Salinity measurement 1
- Satellite imagery 1
- Scott Base, rank5 1
- Sea Urchins 1
- Sea ice 1
- Sea of Okhotsk, rank5 1
- Seasonal patterns 1
- Seawater 1
- Sedimentology 1
- Significant factors 1
- Silicic acids 1
- Simultaneous measurement 1
- Size and shape 1
- Soil moisture 1
- Southern Ocean, Decapoda (Crustacea) 1
- Southern Ocean, Dissostichus mawsoni 1
- Southern Ocean, algae 1
- Species Specificity, calcifying larvae 1
- Standing wave patterns 1
- Stratospheric polar vortex 1
- Strong seasonal pattern 1
- Sub-Antarctic Pacific 1
- Sulfur hexafluoride, Dilution, bioaccumulation 1
- Sun 1
- Surface area 1
- Surveys, Geographical distribution, abundance 1
- Target strength, Acoustic properties 1
- Temperature amplitude 1
- Temperature data 1
- Temperature observations 1
- Temporal trends, Algae control 1
- Thin section 1
- Three dimensional, Crystal orientation, crystal structure 1
- Thysanura, rank5 1
- Trebouxia 1
- Trebouxia jamesii 1
- Turbulence 1
- Umbilicaria decussata 1
- Umbillicaria aprina, rank5 1
- Upper atmosphere 1
- Upper troposphere 1
- Vertical section, Crystal growth 1
- Volcanoes, Biostratigraphy, algorithm 1
- Vortex flow 1
- Wave activity 1
- Wave propagation 1
- Wave propagation, Energetic particles 1
- Wave properties, Optical radar, azimuth 1
- Wave transmission, Critical lines 1
- Wave-mean-flow interaction 1
- Wavefields 1
- Wavelet analysis, Antarctica 1
- West Antarctica, rank3 1
- West Antarctica, rank5 1
- Wind speed, Upper atmosphere, amplitude 1
- Zonal-mean zonal winds, Geomagnetism, data interpretation 1
- abundance 1
- accuracy assessment 1
- adaptive radiation 1
- adult 1
- alga 1
- amplitude 1
- atmosphere-ice-ocean system 1
- atmospheric chemistry 1
- atmospheric electricity 1
- atmospheric modeling 1
- automation 1
- bioacoustics 1
- biodiversity 1
- bioindicator 1
- biomass 1
- body size 1
- calcification 1
- calcifying larvae 1
- census 1
- chlorophyll 1
- colonization 1
- concentration (composition) 1
- continental shelf 1
- correlation 1
- crustacean 1
- crystallography 1
- cyanobacterium 1
- decadal variation 1
- depositional environment 1
- diatom 1
- diffusion 1
- digital elevation model 1
- dilution 1
- disease prevalence 1
- drug effect 1
- drug effects 1
- ecophysiology 1
- electron 1
- energy flux 1
- environmental change 1
- environmental gradient 1
- error analysis 1
- estimation method 1
- experimental study 1
- fish 1
- fishery management 1
- fishery survey 1
- food chain 1
- fossil record 1
- freezing 1
- functional change 1
- genetic marker 1
- geographical distribution 1
- geography 1
- geomagnetic storm 1
- geometry 1
- geopotential 1
- glacier 1
- grain boundary 1
- gravity wave 1
- ground-based measurement 1
- growth response 1
- growth, development and aging 1
- hardware 1
- host-pathogen interaction 1
- human activity 1
- humidity 1
- hydrostatics 1
- ice cover 1
- ice crystal 1
- ice sheet 1
- ice shelf 1
- ice thickness 1
- index method 1
- infectious disease 1
- invertebrate 1
- iron 1
- irradiation 1
- isotopic composition 1
- isotopic fractionation 1
- juvenile 1
- lidar 1
- light effect 1
- long-term change 1
- magnitude 1
- mapping method 1
- marginal ice zone 1
- marine sediment 1
- mesopause 1
- mesosphere 1
- microwave limb sounder 1
- middle atmosphere 1
- mineral 1
- moss 1
- nitrate 1
- noise 1
- nutrient cycling 1
- ocean 1
- ocean color 1
- ocean warming 1
- ocean warming, rank5 1
- oceanic front 1
- open water 1
- oscillation 1
- oxygen isotope 1
- ozone 1
- paleoenvironment 1
- particle motion 1
- perciform 1
- photochemistry 1
- phylogeny 1
- physiological response 1
- phytoplankton 1
- polar vortex 1
- population decline 1
- potassium 1
- precipitation (climatology) 1
- precipitation assessment 1
- precision 1
- prey availability 1
- quasi-biennial oscillation 1
- radar 1
- radiative forcing 1
- radiative transfer 1
- radiolaria 1
- reconstruction 1
- refractive index 1
- refugium 1
- relatedness 1
- relative abundance 1
- resolution 1
- review 1
- risk factor 1
- satellite data 1
- saturation 1
- sea 1
- sea ice, Antarctica 1
- sea surface temperature 1
- sea urchin 1
- sea urchin, Animals 1
- sea water 1
- sea water, animal 1
- seabird 1
- seasonality 1
- shading 1
- shelter 1
- shortwave radiation 1
- silicic acid 1
- size, carbon dioxide 1
- snow accumulation 1
- sodar, Landforms, boundary layer 1
- software 1
- software, Antarctica, rank3 1
- solar activity 1
- solar cycle 1
- spatial analysis 1
- spatiotemporal analysis 1
- species difference 1
- species richness 1
- stabilization 1
- statistical model 1
- stratigraphy 1
- surface layer 1
- surface water, Southern Ocean, algae, rank1 1
- symbiosis, Antarctica 1
- taxonomy, Antarctica 1
- temperature effect 1
- terrestrial environment 1
- thermodynamic property, Antarctica 1
- time series 1
- tomography 1
- topographic effect 1
- trace gas 1
- trawling, Ross Sea 1
- trophic structure, Antarctica 1
- turbulence, Antarctica 1
- uncertainty analysis, Hawaii [(ISL) Hawaiian Islands] 1
- vegetation structure, Antarctica, Bryophyta 1
- vulnerability 1
- warm front 1
- warm water, Campbell Plateau 1
- water vapor, rank5 1
- wave action 1
- wave field 1
- wave height, rank3 1
- wave property, Antarctica 1
- wave reflection 1
- wavelength 1
- weather station, Antarctica 1
- wild population, Antarctica, Spheniscidae, rank3 1
- winter 1
- zonal wind 1
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