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Using Captain Scott's Discovery specimens to unlock the past
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Low global sensitivity of metabolic rate to temperature in c
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Evidence of microbial rhodopsins in Antarctic Dry Valley eda
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Eukaryotes in Arctic and Antarctic cyanobacterial mats
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Environmental drivers of viral community composition in Anta
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Energy from thin air
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Detection and structural identification of dissolved organic
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Aerobiology over antarctica - A new initiative for atmospher
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The effects of entombment on water chemistry and bacterial a
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Rapid microbial response to the presence of an ancient relic
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Persistent near--tropical warmth on the Antarctic continent
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The inter-valley soil comparative survey: The ecology of dry
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Climate Change Winners: Receding Ice Fields Facilitate Colon
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Legacies of recent environmental change in the benthic commu
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The Southern Ocean ecosystem under multiple climate change s
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Draft genomic DNA sequence of the multi-resistant sphingomon
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Antifreeze protein-induced superheating of ice inside Antarc
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Ocean acidification at high latitudes: Potential effects on
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Habitat stress initiates changes in composition, CO<inf>2</i
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Challenges to the future conservation of the Antarctic
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Ancient origins determine global biogeography of hot and col
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Discovery of large conical stromatolites in Lake Untersee, A