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- Research9
- Year...
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- Article 7
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- grounding line 9
- Last Glacial Maximum 8
- ice sheet 6
- Antarctica 4
- Glacial geology 4
- Glaciers 4
- ice retreat 3
- ice shelf 3
- ice thickness 3
- Continental shelves 2
- East Antarctica 2
- Ice shelves 2
- Kamb Ice Stream 2
- Meltwater pulse 1a 2
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet 2
- drainage 2
- glacier dynamics 2
- ice stream 2
- meltwater 2
- Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- Antarctic ice sheets 1
- Antarctica, rank5 1
- Bunger Hills 1
- Catchments 1
- Deposits 1
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- East Antarctica, rank1 1
- East antarctic ice sheets 1
- Electric grounding 1
- Eocene 1
- GPS 1
- George V Coast 1
- Glacial history 1
- Ice 1
- Ice sheet 1
- Ice sheet dynamics 1
- Ice sheet history 1
- Ice streams 1
- Ice-sheet retreat 1
- Kamb ice streams 1
- LGM-post LGM 1
- Landforms 1
- Larsemann Hills, rank3 1
- Marguerite Bay 1
- McMurdo Ice Shelf, rank5 1
- Melting 1
- Mercer Ice Stream 1
- Mid to late Holocene 1
- Models, Adjustment model 1
- Oceanic conditions 1
- Oligocene 1
- Outer continental shelves 1
- Paleodrainage 1
- Phase sensitive 1
- Pliocene 1
- Quaternary 1
- Radar 1
- Radar measurement, Channel formation 1
- Ross Ice Shelf 1
- Ross Sea 1
- Ross Sea, Ice, continental shelf 1
- Ross ice shelves 1
- Satellite imagery, Glaciology 1
- Sea level 1
- Sea level rise 1
- Sea level, Antarctica 1
- Sedimentary deposits 1
- Sediments 1
- Southern Ocean, rank3 1
- Spatial patterns, Glacial geology, deglaciation 1
- Streaklines 1
- Subglacial hydrology 1
- Subglacial waters, Ice, basal melting 1
- Submarine geology, Alternative hypothesis 1
- TerraSAR-X 1
- Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides, Ice, continental shelf 1
- Transantarctic Mountains, rank3 1
- West Antarctica 1
- West Antarctica, rank3 1
- West Antarctica, rank5 1
- West antarctica, Ice, glacier retreat 1
- Whillans Ice Stream, rank3 1
- air temperature 1
- amplitude 1
- boundary condition 1
- channelization 1
- coastal zone 1
- cosmogenic radionuclide 1
- crustal deformation 1
- deglaciation 1
- digital elevation model 1
- discharge 1
- displacement 1
- elevation 1
- environmental factor 1
- field method 1
- flow velocity 1
- flux measurement 1
- geochronology 1
- geological record 1
- geometry 1
- geomorphology 1
- glacial deposit 1
- glacial erosion 1
- glacial history 1
- glacial hydrology 1
- glaciation 1
- glacioisostasy 1
- glaciology 1
- ice flow 1
- laser method 1
- marine sediment 1
- mountain region 1
- nunatak 1
- radar 1
- radar interferometry 1
- reconstruction 1
- satellite data 1
- satellite imagery 1
- sea level change 1
- sea level change, Adelie Coast 1
- sediment core 1
- sedimentation, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- shelf break, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- simulation, Antarctica 1
- slope angle 1
- snowmelt 1
- subglacial environment, Antarctic Ice Sheet 1
- synthetic aperture radar 1
- till, Antarctica 1
- time dependent behavior, Antarctica 1
- topography, Antarctic Peninsula 1
- velocity 1
- vertical movement, Antarctica 1
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