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- Research5
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- Article 4
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- in situ measurement 5
- East Antarctica 2
- McMurdo Sound 2
- Ross Sea 2
- Southern Ocean, rank5 2
- ice shelf 2
- ice-ocean interaction 2
- Antarctic sea ice 1
- Conduction Mechanism 1
- Debye relaxation 1
- Dielectric permittivities 1
- Electron scattering 1
- Empirical parameters 1
- Energetic electron precipitation 1
- First year 1
- GNSS 1
- Ground-based observations 1
- High frequency 1
- In-situ measurement 1
- In-situ observations 1
- Low frequency 1
- Magnetosphere 1
- Microstructural models 1
- Particle interactions 1
- Physical parameters 1
- Pitch-angle scattering 1
- Radiation belt electrons 1
- Radiation belts 1
- Relative permittivity 1
- Resistivity tomography 1
- Satellite based observations 1
- Sea ice, Permittivity, cold region 1
- Space charge polarization 1
- Time constants, Models 1
- Wave plasma interactions 1
- Wave power, Electron precipitation 1
- Wave-particle interactions, Electrons, electromagnetic field 1
- air-sea interaction 1
- calcium carbonate 1
- carbon dioxide 1
- carbon sink 1
- concentration (composition) 1
- dielectric property 1
- electrical resistivity 1
- electron 1
- ground-based measurement 1
- ice cover 1
- ice thickness 1
- iceberg 1
- instrumentation 1
- measurement method 1
- oceanic circulation 1
- oceanography 1
- particle motion 1
- permittivity 1
- perturbation 1
- plasma 1
- polar region 1
- precipitation (chemistry) 1
- precipitation (climatology) 1
- primary production 1
- radiative transfer 1
- remote sensing 1
- satellite data 1
- satellite imagery 1
- sea ice 1
- sea ice, Antarctica 1
- sea ice, Antarctica, rank5 1
- source-sink dynamics, Southern Ocean 1
- surface water 1
- water column, Antarctica 1
- wave action 1
- wave scattering, rank3 1
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