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- Research12
- Year...
- Type...
- Article 11
- Keywords...
- marine environment 12
- East Antarctica 6
- Antarctica 5
- enzyme activity 5
- nonhuman 5
- priority journal 4
- Antarctic Regions 3
- article 3
- catalase 3
- climate change 3
- controlled study 3
- ice cover 3
- nitrous oxide 3
- pollution effect 3
- Cape Evans 2
- Climate Change 2
- Ecosystem 2
- Human Activities 2
- Humans 2
- Ice Cover 2
- Invertebrata 2
- McMurdo Sound 2
- Ross Island 2
- Ross Sea 2
- abundance 2
- animal 2
- animal tissue 2
- antioxidant 2
- antioxidant activity 2
- biological marker 2
- biomarker 2
- chemical composition 2
- chemical pollutant 2
- chemistry 2
- community structure 2
- concentration (composition) 2
- detoxification 2
- dissolved organic matter 2
- echinoderm 2
- ecosystem 2
- ecosystem resilience 2
- embryo 2
- environmental change 2
- environmental exposure 2
- female 2
- fish 2
- formic acid 2
- glutathione 2
- human activities 2
- identification method 2
- invertebrate 2
- lipid peroxidation 2
- meroplankton 2
- metabolism 2
- microbial activity 2
- oxidative stress 2
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 2
- review 2
- sea ice 2
- sea urchin 2
- species diversity 2
- superoxide dismutase 2
- taxonomy, Antarctica 2
- 8 hydroxydeoxyguanosine 1
- AND-1B 1
- Amino acids 1
- Amino sugars 1
- Annelida 1
- Antioxidants 1
- Aquatic Organisms 1
- Aquatic ecosystem 1
- Article 1
- Aspergillus fumigatus 1
- Atmosphere 1
- Bacillus 1
- Biogeochemical cycling 1
- Biogeochemistry 1
- Biological Markers 1
- CYP1A1 gene 1
- Catalase 1
- Chemical structure 1
- Clostridium 1
- Conservation of Natural Resources 1
- DNA damage 1
- Diatom 1
- Dissolved organic matters 1
- Echinodermata 1
- Echinoidea 1
- Ecosystems 1
- Embryo, Nonmammalian 1
- Embryonic Development 1
- Environmental Exposure 1
- Environmental Microbiology 1
- Environmental Pollution 1
- Escherichia coli 1
- Fast cycling 1
- Female 1
- Fish Proteins 1
- Forecasting 1
- Formic acid 1
- Fragilariopsis 1
- Free amino acids 1
- Gene Expression Profiling 1
- Gene Expression Regulation 1
- Glacial geology 1
- Glacial ice 1
- Glaciers 1
- Global Warming 1
- Glutathione 1
- H NMR spectroscopy 1
- Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers 1
- History, Ancient 1
- Hydrologic cycles 1
- Ice control 1
- Ice sheet 1
- Ice type 1
- In-situ 1
- Introduced Species, rank1 1
- Late Neogene 1
- Laternula elliptica, rank5 1
- Lipid Peroxidation 1
- Liver 1
- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 1
- McMurdo Ice Shelf 1
- McMurdo Station 1
- Microbial activities 1
- Mollusca 1
- Natural abundance 1
- New Zealand 1
- Nitrogen Isotopes 1
- Nitrous Oxide 1
- Nitzschia alba 1
- Northern Hemisphere 1
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 1
- Offshore oil wells, Biostratigraphy, argon isotope 1
- Organic Chemicals, Antarctica 1
- Otus, rank5 1
- Oxidative Stress 1
- Oxygen Isotopes 1
- PAH 1
- PBDE 1
- Peptidoglycans 1
- Perciformes 1
- Pleistocene 1
- Pliocene 1
- Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary 1
- Polycyclic Hydrocarbons, Aromatic 1
- Pre-concentration 1
- Public Policy 1
- Rain 1
- Reservoirs (water), Ice, amino acid 1
- Rhizosolenia 1
- Ross Island, Bivalvia 1
- Ross Sea, Coastal engineering 1
- SOD gene 1
- SPR W5 WATERGATE proton nuclear magnetic resonance 1
- Scott Base 1
- Sea Urchins 1
- Sebastes schlegeli 1
- Southern Ocean 1
- Southern Ocean, Animalia 1
- Southern Ocean, Bacillariophyta 1
- Southern Ocean, algae 1
- Sterechinus neumayeri 1
- Sterechinus neumayeri, Animals 1
- Structural identification 1
- Superoxide Dismutase 1
- Taylor Glacier, Antarctic Regions 1
- Temperature 1
- Terrestrial environments 1
- Thalassiosira 1
- Time Factors, rank1 1
- Travel, rank5 1
- Trematomus bernacchii 1
- Trematomus bernacchii, rank5 1
- Victoria Land, Invertebrata, rank5 1
- Water Pollutants, Chemical, Antarctica, Lotella rhacina 1
- Water Pollutants, Chemical, rank5 1
- Water reservoir, Amines 1
- Younger Dryas 1
- Zanclea, rank1 1
- alga 1
- algal bloom 1
- aminosugar 1
- animal embryo 1
- animal experiment 1
- animal model 1
- anthropogenic source 1
- aquatic ecosystem 1
- aquatic organism 1
- aquatic species 1
- atmosphere 1
- biochemical composition 1
- biodiversity 1
- biogeochemical cycle 1
- biomanipulation 1
- biostratigraphy 1
- bivalve 1
- carbonyl derivative 1
- cell function 1
- cell survival 1
- cellular stress response 1
- chemical structure 1
- climate variation 1
- coastal zone 1
- concentration (parameters) 1
- conservation planning 1
- continental shelf 1
- continental slope 1
- copper zinc superoxide dismutase 1
- dark 1
- deglaciation 1
- desalination 1
- detection method 1
- developmental stage 1
- diamictite 1
- diatom 1
- diatomite 1
- drilling 1
- drug effects 1
- ecosystem restoration 1
- ecotoxicity 1
- embryo development 1
- endemic species 1
- environmental protection 1
- environmental temperature 1
- enzymology 1
- ethoxyresorufin deethylase 1
- fecal coliform 1
- filter 1
- filter feeding 1
- forecasting 1
- fuel oil 1
- future prospect 1
- gamete 1
- gene 1
- geochronology 1
- geographic distribution 1
- geomorphology 1
- glacial history 1
- glacier 1
- glaciology 1
- global change 1
- glutathione peroxidase 1
- glutathione transferase 1
- greenhouse effect 1
- greenhouse gas 1
- growth response 1
- high temperature 1
- history 1
- horizontal gene transfer 1
- human 1
- human impact (environment) 1
- hydrological cycle 1
- hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 1
- ice sheet 1
- inheritance 1
- interglacial 1
- irradiance 1
- isotopic analysis 1
- lactic acid 1
- lactoylglutathione lyase 1
- land biome 1
- larva 1
- last deglaciation 1
- latitude 1
- latitudinal gradient 1
- life history 1
- light effect 1
- lipid 1
- lipid peroxide 1
- liver toxicity 1
- logistics 1
- long range transport 1
- long term exposure 1
- low temperature 1
- magnetostratigraphy 1
- male 1
- marine atmosphere 1
- marine sediment 1
- maternal effect 1
- messenger RNA 1
- meteorology 1
- microbial colonization 1
- microbial community 1
- microbial contamination 1
- microbial growth 1
- micropaleontology 1
- nearshore environment 1
- nitrogen 1
- nitrogen cycle 1
- nitrous oxide emission 1
- nuclear magnetic resonance 1
- nutrition 1
- oceanography 1
- oxygen 1
- ozone 1
- paleoceanography 1
- paleoclimate 1
- peptide 1
- peptidoglycan 1
- photosynthesis 1
- photosynthetically active radiation 1
- physiological response 1
- physiology 1
- phytoplankton 1
- point source pollution 1
- polar front 1
- polar region 1
- policy 1
- pollution exposure, adult 1
- pollution exposure, animal cell 1
- polybrominated diphenyl ether, antioxidant 1
- primary production 1
- primary production, Antarctica 1
- protein carbonylation 1
- protein, Antarctica 1
- proton nuclear magnetic resonance 1
- quantitative analysis 1
- rain, anthropogenic effect 1
- reproductive strategy 1
- reservoir 1
- resource development, Antarctica 1
- runoff 1
- sampling 1
- seasonal variation 1
- seasonality 1
- sedimentation, Antarctica, rank3 1
- sex difference 1
- species endemicity, Antarctic Regions 1
- stratosphere 1
- sugar, Antarctica 1
- sugar, amino acid 1
- surface property 1
- temperate environment 1
- temperature 1
- temperature effect, Southern Ocean, algae, rank5 1
- time, Antarctica 1
- toxicity 1
- travel, Antarctica, Animals 1
- troposphere 1
- troposphere, Article 1
- vegetation 1
- warming 1
- water pollutant 1
- water pollutant, Antarctica 1
- water pollutant, antioxidant 1
- water pollution, Animals 1
- watershed, Antarctic Regions 1
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