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- Research5
- Year...
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- Article 3
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- cyanobacterium 5
- phylogeny 5
- restriction fragment length polymorphism 5
- Cyanobacteria 4
- Euryarchaeota 4
- Antarctica 3
- Phylogeny 3
- Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length 3
- article 3
- genetics 3
- microbial community 3
- microbiology 3
- pyrosequencing 3
- Archaea 2
- Article 2
- Biodiversity 2
- DNA extraction 2
- Eukaryota 2
- Gene Library 2
- Ribotyping 2
- archaeon 2
- biodiversity 2
- classification 2
- eukaryote 2
- gene library 2
- microbial mat 2
- nonhuman 2
- polymerase chain reaction 2
- Animalia 1
- Antarctic Regions 1
- Antarctic soils 1
- Arctic 1
- Arctic Regions 1
- Bacillariophyceae 1
- Bacillariophyta 1
- Biota 1
- Cercozoa 1
- Chlorophyceae 1
- Chrysophyceae 1
- Ciliophora 1
- DNA sequence 1
- DNA, Bacterial 1
- DNA, Ribosomal Spacer 1
- Desiccation 1
- Ecosystem 1
- Fresh Water 1
- Fungi 1
- Genes, rRNA 1
- Ice 1
- Metazoa 1
- Molecular Sequence Data 1
- Oscillatoriales, rank5 1
- Otus, adaptation 1
- Prasinophyceae 1
- Protista 1
- RNA 16S, Actinobacteria 1
- RNA 16S, Antarctic Treaty 1
- RNA 18S, alga 1
- RNA gene 1
- RNA, Ribosomal, 16S 1
- RNA, Ribosomal, 18S, Arctic and Antarctic, algae 1
- Sequence Analysis, DNA 1
- Soil 1
- Soil Microbiology, rank5 1
- Thaumarchaeota, Adaptation, Biological 1
- Thaumarchaeota, Antarctic soils 1
- Trebouxiophyceae 1
- Ulvophyceae 1
- Water Microbiology 1
- Wetlands, Antarctica, Chroococcales 1
- ammonia oxidizing archaeon 1
- arctic environment 1
- bacterial DNA 1
- bacterial metabolism 1
- bacterium 1
- biota 1
- bromide 1
- carbon fixation 1
- chemistry 1
- comparative molecular field analysis 1
- controlled study 1
- desiccation 1
- ecology 1
- ecosystem 1
- electric conductivity 1
- fresh water 1
- freshwater ecosystem 1
- growth, development and aging 1
- high throughput sequencing 1
- hydrological change 1
- hypolith 1
- ice 1
- ice shelf 1
- inflow 1
- isolation and purification 1
- meltwater 1
- mercaptoethanol 1
- microarray analysis 1
- microbial activity 1
- microclimate 1
- microhabitat 1
- molecular genetics 1
- morphology 1
- morphotype 1
- nitrogen fixation 1
- nitrogen transformation 1
- polar region, Antarctica 1
- pond 1
- povidone, amino acid sequence 1
- protected area 1
- real time polymerase chain reaction 1
- ribosomal spacer DNA 1
- ribotyping 1
- ribotyping, Antarctic Regions 1
- soil 1
- soil analysis 1
- soil analysis, rank5 1
- stress 1
- substrate utilization, rank5 1
- wetland, Antarctic Regions 1
- wetland, Antarctica 1
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