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- Research4
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- Article 2
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- sampling 4
- abundance 2
- seasonal variation 2
- Annelida 1
- Antarctic Circumpolar Wave 1
- Antarctica 1
- Arctic 1
- Critical level 1
- East Antarctica 1
- Echinodermata 1
- Latitudinal variation 1
- Mollusca 1
- Momentum flux 1
- Monte Carlo Simulation 1
- Monte Carlo analysis 1
- Monte Carlo methods 1
- Otus, rank5 1
- Phase information 1
- Ross Island 1
- Ross Sea 1
- S transforms 1
- Salpida 1
- Satellite observations 1
- Scott Base 1
- Seasonal variation 1
- Southern Ocean, Salpa thompsoni 1
- Southern Ocean, algae 1
- Statistical information 1
- Statistical techniques 1
- Temperature perturbations 1
- Urochordata, rank3 1
- Wave characteristics 1
- Wavelength distribution, Gravity waves, atmospheric modeling 1
- Wavelength, Coherent waves 1
- aerospace medicine 1
- algal bloom 1
- biodiversity 1
- biogeography 1
- biomass 1
- comparative study 1
- continental slope 1
- dark 1
- desalination 1
- developmental stage 1
- echinoderm 1
- ecology 1
- ecosystem 1
- filter 1
- filter feeding 1
- gravity wave 1
- human 1
- ice cover 1
- latitude 1
- latitudinal gradient 1
- light effect 1
- logistics 1
- low temperature 1
- marine environment 1
- meroplankton 1
- microorganism 1
- momentum transfer 1
- phytoplankton 1
- primary production 1
- propagule 1
- satellite imagery 1
- scientist 1
- seamount 1
- seasonality 1
- species diversity 1
- taxonomy, Antarctica 1
- temperature profile 1
- transform 1
- vertical distribution 1
- water column, Ross Sea 1
- wavelength 1
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