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- Research6
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- seabird 6
- Euphausiacea 2
- Pygoscelis adeliae 2
- Ross Sea 2
- abundance 2
- breeding population 2
- food web 2
- human activity 2
- infectious disease 2
- Antarctic Bottom Water 1
- Cape Hallett 1
- Decapoda (Crustacea) 1
- East Antarctica 1
- Euphausia superba 1
- Phalacrocoracidae 1
- Pleuragramma 1
- Poisson ratio 1
- Snares Islands 1
- Southern Ocean, Aves 1
- Southern Ocean, Haptophyceae, rank5 1
- Spheniscidae 1
- Spheniscidae, rank5 1
- Sulidae 1
- Thysanura, rank5 1
- anthropogenic source 1
- bioactivity 1
- climate change 1
- climate conditions 1
- climate effect 1
- colony structure 1
- community response 1
- community structure 1
- continental shelf 1
- continental slope 1
- data set 1
- disease control 1
- disease prevalence 1
- disease spread 1
- ecosystem function 1
- environmental change 1
- estimation method 1
- foraging behavior 1
- generation time 1
- host-pathogen interaction 1
- introduced species 1
- meta-analysis 1
- nesting behavior 1
- nutrient enrichment 1
- phenology 1
- phytoplankton 1
- pinniped 1
- population size 1
- rearing 1
- remote sensing 1
- reproductive behavior 1
- risk factor 1
- satellite imagery 1
- sea surface temperature 1
- seasonal variation, Antarctica 1
- species diversity, Southern Ocean, Euphausia 1
- trophic level 1
- vulnerability 1
- water mass, New Zealand 1
- water temperature, Pelecaniformes 1
- wild population, Antarctica, Spheniscidae, rank3 1
- wildlife management, Antarctica 1
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