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- Research7
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- Article 7
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- Antarctica 4
- Dry valley 3
- East Antarctica 3
- McMurdo Dry Valleys 3
- Landforms 2
- Ross Sea 2
- Soil respiration 2
- Soils 2
- Southern Ocean 2
- pH 2
- rank5 2
- soil carbon 2
- soil microorganism 2
- soil moisture 2
- Abiotic factors 1
- Antarctic Peninsula 1
- Austral summers 1
- Biological components 1
- Biological mechanisms 1
- C/N ratio 1
- Carbon and nitrogen 1
- Diffusion fluxes 1
- Ecology 1
- Ecosystems 1
- Environmental change 1
- Exsolution 1
- Forestry 1
- Henry's law 1
- Hidden Valley 1
- High pH 1
- Indigenous fungi 1
- Inorganic C 1
- Isotopes 1
- Isotopic composition 1
- Isotopic shift 1
- Mcmurdo dry valleys 1
- Microbial ecology 1
- Microbiology 1
- Nevada 1
- Nitrogen 1
- Nutrient limitations 1
- Oligotrophic environment 1
- Organic C 1
- Primary factors 1
- Salinity 1
- Salinity measurement 1
- Soil CO 1
- Soil carbon 1
- Soil fungi 1
- Soil microbial community 1
- Soil moisture, Fungi, abundance 1
- Soil organic C 1
- Soil parameters 1
- Soil profiles 1
- Soil respiration rates 1
- Soil sample 1
- Soil surfaces, Landforms 1
- Soil surveys 1
- Soil temperature 1
- Spearman's rank correlation, Biodiversity 1
- Surface carbon 1
- Surface soil, Climate change 1
- Taylor Valley, rank5 1
- Temperature, Carbon dioxide, biotic factor 1
- United States, rank5 1
- West Antarctica, rank1 1
- Wind, Carbon dioxide, carbon flux 1
- carbon 1
- carbon dioxide 1
- carbon flux 1
- carbon isotope 1
- climate change 1
- electrical conductivity 1
- environmental change 1
- fungus 1
- inorganic carbon 1
- isotopic composition 1
- microbial community 1
- nitrogen 1
- organic carbon 1
- rank1 1
- rank3 1
- salinity 1
- soil profile 1
- soil surface, Antarctica 1
- soil temperature, Antarctica 1
- spatial distribution 1
- species diversity, Antarctic Peninsula 1
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