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- Album3
- Event20
- Photo1117
- Original...
- Slide 608
- Digital 152
- Film 121
- Print 83
- Digital Upload 26
- Glass Plate 17
- Transparency 9
- Apeture Cards 6
- digital 2
- Negative 1
- Photographer...
- Chris Rudge 123
- Herbert Ponting 64
- Unknown 60
- Tim Higham 57
- Keith Lyons 56
- Yvonne Martin 45
- Linda Harrison 43
- Ed Butler 29
- Rod Budd 26
- Andy White 24
- Richard (Dick) K McBride 20
- Kim Westerskov 19
- Keith Springer 15
- Erik Barnes 14
- Jenny Ryan 12
- Mark Mitchell 12
- Robin Ormerod 12
- Colin Monteath 11
- Gillian Wratt 10
- John Henzell 10
- Andris Apse 9
- F Davidson 8
- H F Griffiths 8
- Nicola Holmes 8
- Neville Peat 7
- Pat Shepherd 7
- Valerie Smith 7
- Alastair Fastier 6
- Brad Phillips 6
- M Bradstock 6
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- Brian Jackson 5
- Garth Varcoe 5
- Graeme Connell 5
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- A Buckland 4
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- Murray Brown 4
- Ross Land 4
- Colin John FInk 3
- David Trubridge 3
- Emma Waterhouse 3
- Jack McConchie 3
- Joel Jurgens 3
- Kirsten Haydon 3
- Matt Vance 3
- National Science Foundation 3
- Pete Sommerville 3
- Raewyn Atkinson 3
- Rebecca Roper-Gee 3
- Robert Findlay 3
- Shelley Hersey 3
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- Geoffrey Lee Martin 2
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- Megan Jenkinson 2
- Miles Lamare 2
- N Ritchie 2
- N. P. Nalder 2
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- Robert Baden Thomson 2
- Roberta L Farrell 2
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- Trevor Chinn 2
- Victoria Metcalf 2
- Anne Jungblut 1
- Anthony Powell 1
- Bill Manhire 1
- Bob Blanchette 1
- Bruce Laybourn 1
- Cath Gilmour 1
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- Gareth Farr 1
- Garth Matterson 1
- Garth Matterson 1
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- Malcolm Macfarlane 1
- Margaret Elliot 1
- Margaret Mahy 1
- Matthew Amos 1
- Michael Gonsior 1
- Mohan Dass Albert 1
- N Brown 1
- Nicola Dunn 1
- Nigel Brown 1
- Patrick Shepherd 1
- Pete Sommerville/Shelley Hersey 1
- Phil Reid 1
- R McKerrow 1
- Russell Rawle 1
- S Curreen 1
- Sam Shannon 1
- Satterthwaite 1
- Shaun Norman 1
- Shona Duncan 1
- Sue O'Dowd 1
- Todd Beaumont 1
- Torbjorn Prytz 1
- Veronika Meduna 1
- W R Logie 1
- W Seding 1
Show More - Location...
- Cape Evans 1140
- Evans Neve 12
- Hut Point 1
- Ross Island 1
- Programme...
- K081 27
- K500 Environmental Management and Monitoring Projects 24
- K600 18
- Trans Antarctic Expedition 16
- K281 15
- K402 15
- K401 14
- K250 12
- K310 12
- K390 12
- K391 12
- K394 11
- K021 10
- K170 9
- K414 9
- K068 6
- K242 6
- Antarctic Heritage Trust 5
- K215 5
- K242 - Community Engagement Programme 5
- K232 4
- K232-0304 4
- K240 4
- K320 4
- K392d 4
- K400 4
- K150 Land Information New Zealand 3
- K291 3
- K323 3
- K407 3
- K001 2
- K058 2
- K102 2
- K230 2
- K242 A 2
- K243 2
- K401 Scott Base Summer Staff 2
- K002 1
- K043 1
- K068 Effects of climate change on Antarctic marine invertebrate embryo and larval physiology 1
- K141A 1
- K200 1
- K220 1
- K230 Invited Artists 1
- K244 1
- K310 Media Programme 1
- K391C 1
- K392 1
- K503 Environmental and Biosecurity 1
- Media 1
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- K081-0102 27
- K500-1516-A 24
- TAE 16
- K281-9192 13
- K250-0607 12
- K310-0304 12
- K390-9495 12
- K401-0506 12
- K391-0001-A 11
- K600-1213 10
- K170-1314 9
- K232-0304 8
- K394-9798 7
- K021-0506 6
- K600-0607 6
- K242-1516-I 5
- K392d-9798 5
- K402-0001 5
- K402-0102 5
- K021-0708 4
- K215-1415 4
- K240-1213 4
- K242-0506 4
- K291-9192 3
- K320-0405 3
- K323-0405 3
- K394-0001-B 3
- K407-0001 3
- Jason Edwards Photography 2
- K001-0506 2
- K058-0607 2
- K068-0304 2
- K068-0405 2
- K068-0708 2
- K102-0506 2
- K150-0910 2
- K170-1445A & B 2
- K230-0506 2
- K242-1415 2
- K243-0607 2
- K281-9293 2
- K392d-9900 2
- K402-0203 2
- K402-9900 2
- K600-1415-A 2
- Trans Antarctic Expedition 2
- K043-0809 1
- K068-0910 1
- K081-1011 1
- K141A-0506 1
- K150-1516 1
- K170-1415A & B 1
- K170-1445-A & B 1
- K170A & B 1
- K200-1011 1
- K215-9798 1
- K220-1415 1
- K230 Artists to Antarctica Programme 1
- K230 Invited Artists 1
- K230-0809 1
- K242 A 1
- K244-0607 1
- K310-0405 1
- K320-0203 1
- K391-0102-C 1
- K391C-0102 1
- K393B-9192 1
- K400-1415 1
- K401 Scott Base Summer Staff 1
- K401-0102 1
- K401-0203 1
- K401-0809 1
- K402-0607 1
- K407c-0102 1
- K414-0312 1
- K414-0313 1
- K414-0314 1
- K414-0335 1
- K414-0336 1
- K414-0353 1
- K414-0354 1
- K414-0355 1
- K414-0356 1
- K503-0809 1
- k002-8081 1
Show More - Season...
- 1987-1988 75
- 1994-1995 60
- 1985-1986 52
- 1989-1990 51
- 2001-2002 45
- 1991-1992 43
- 2014-2015 41
- 2015-2016 34
- 2003-2004 32
- 1997-1998 31
- 2005-2006 29
- 1992-1993 25
- 2000-2001 24
- 2006-2007 24
- 2002-2003 23
- 1971-1972 22
- 1976-1977 21
- 1982-1983 19
- 1986-1987 18
- 1961-1962 17
- 1957-1959 15
- 1990-1991 14
- 2012-2013 14
- 1963-1964 13
- 1968-1969 13
- 1969-1970 13
- 1977-1978 12
- 1964-1965 11
- 1988-1989 11
- 2004-2005 11
- 1965-1966 9
- 1993-1994 9
- 2013-2014 9
- 1957-1958 8
- 1956-1957 7
- 1970-1971 7
- 1972-1973 7
- 1980-1981 7
- 2016-2017 7
- 1962-1963 6
- 1984-1985 6
- 1996-1997 6
- 2007-2008 6
- 2008-2009 6
- 1960-1961 5
- 1956-1958 4
- 1967-1968 4
- 1979-1980 4
- 1981-1982 4
- 1999-2000 4
- 1966-1967 3
- 1995-1996 3
- 2009-2010 3
- 1978-1979 2
- 1983-1984 2
- 2010-2011 2
- 1665-1966 1
- 1909-1910 1
- 1910-1911 1
- 1958-1959 1
- 1974-1975 1
- 1975-1976 1
- 1998-1999 1
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- Original...
- Programme1
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