John Claydon
Born 1917 , educated at Christchurch Technical School; joined the RNZAF as an airman in 1936; received "special distinguished pass" with commission as a Flying Officer. Served in WW2 in the Pacific with No. 14 Squadron; then as Administrator Air Department Wellington and Command of Flying Training School Wigram. Following appointment to the Trans Antarctic Expedition attended No. 6 Squadron Hobsonville for training on Auster float plane. Visited the Weddell Sea as member of New Zealand Advance Party in the 55/56 season, and during TAE provided support for Ross Sea Party depot-laying. In 1959-60 he was OC Administration Ohakea; 1960-63 Air Attache at the New Zealand Embassy in Washington; 1963 Director of Operations RNZAF; Honorary ADC to governor General 1964-65; 1964- 65 OC Administration at Wigram; 1967-70 Assistant Airport Manager at Christchurch International Airport, and 1970-72 Airport Management Adviser for the Asian Development Bank in Nepal". ( Ref. Source; Conservation Plan Hillary's Hut, Scott Base; Antarctic Heritage Trust.)
He retained a lifelong interest in all matters Antarctic and was a stalwart support of the Antarctic Society and recipient of the Polar medal.
Wing Commander John Claydon passed away 16 December 2014, aged 97 years.