Graeme Ayres
New plant and vehicles delivered in the 2014-2015 season
New Hagglunds with Rob and Gary
New Hagglunds delivered to the Antarctic Centre prior to shipping to the ice
K402-1415 Winter Crew
Richie Hunter, Field Training Coordinator, receiving the summer flag from Graeme Ayres
Bill Anderson| with Antarctic cod
Communication| Peter Cleary| Steve Weaver making radio contact with Scott Base
Transport| unloading C-130 in Rockefeller mountains
Rockefeller mountains
Transport| C-130 interior| Chris Adams| flying to marie Byrdland
Pallets of equipment and supplies being delivered by Hercules
Blizzard at Discovery Ridge field camp Ohio Mountains
Profile - Ayres
US Secretary of the Air Force visit to Scott Base
Breakfast time - Antarctic Field Skills Training
Visiting Scott's Hut at Cape Evans
Field Camp
Burning surplus fuel at Polar depot
Graeme Ayers burning off surplus kero at plane pick-up point
On Schulthes Buttress west looking towards Darling Ridge
Graeme Ayres Relaxing after a Hard Day
Shackleton's Whiskey