Snow being cleared with new 920 front end loader
Snow collected by the new 920 front end loader
'Nodwell' preparing for its return to Scott Base from the Ski-field
American tracked vehicle in melt pool
Ice Party' head for home after filling sledge with snow|
A Scott Base Dodge 'Power Wagon'| carefully approaches a bridged crevass
examining ice crystal formations in ice caves
USS Icebreaker 'Northwind' waiting for return of its helicopter
Drilling rig
A drillers recognition of the two hundred foot mark
A sample core is taken from the rig and laid out ready for inspection
Paul Sagar enjoys a meal at McMurdo Hospital
Graham Fenwick enjoys a meal at McMurdo hospital
Gary Hooper Murray Parker and Peter Duncan
The grin of satisfaction by John Bitters as he returns from the landing zone after making the first parchute decent by a New Zealander in Antarctica
John Bitters of Nalier sets both feet firmly on Antarctic ground after making the first parachute decent by a New Zealander on the continent
Dennis Rapier: Senior Scientist
Warren Farrelly
Assistant Postmaster Lester Price examines ice crystal formations
One of the ski towers being adjusted
A new splice is added to the rope on the Scott Base ski tow
Skiers load their equipment into the 'Nodwell' for journey back to Scott Base