Pistenbully check on first run
The wind turbines against a pink sky
Panorama of Scott Base
Mt Discovery in low light
The TAE/IGY hut in low light
People on a snowy ridge in bright sunshine
Unloading gear from the Twin Otter
HNZ helo in flight
Scott Base vehicle on the road
Adelie penguins visiting Scott Base
Hagglunds in the landscape
Album - 7 images of a night vision flight mid-August 2010
Album - 14 winter images: including Scott's hut, divers in action, Mt Erebus, Discovery and landscapes
Album - 14 images of the Aurora Australis taken in August of 2010
Album - 34 images of winter nights: winter moon, nacreous clouds, sunset, flagpole
Album - 13 images of McMurdo Dry Valleys: field camps and landscapes
Album - 12 images of whales near Scott Base