Dornier on Campbell Glacier
Waikato V-Notch on Fryxell Stream
Iron straining on ice of Taylor Glacier
Lichen Growth
Campylopus Moss
Algal Flush
Greenhouse at Lake Fryxell
Stone on Floor Of Taylor Valley
Buellia Lichen
Moss on Fumarole
Iron Staining
Endolithiz Algae
"Subfossil" Dried Algae
Buellia Lichen in Hollow on Rock
Campylopus moss on fumarole soil. Mt Melbourne
Moss inside fumarole. Mt Melbourne
Campylopus moss on stones (yellow) under ice fower. Mt Melbourne
Moss Carpet at Edmondson Point
Thick algal growth in pond above Miers Valley
Lichen in Crack of Rock where Snow Melts on Floor of Wright Valley
Hummocks and bryum (moss) in Canada Stream
Algae on Underside of Buried Quartz Rock