Mt Cook Services- Auster with Passengers
HIllary, Claydon and Miller Testing Fuel Airdrops
RNZAF personnel with Auster and Beaver at the Hermitage
Marjorie Miller with a TAE Aricraft and Huskies
Helen Cranfield with Aircraft and Huskies
Instruction being given in tractor driving at Mt Cook
Learning to drive Ferguson tractors at Mt. Cook
Rope the Husky
Bonzo the Husky
Bowers the Husky
Buckie the Husky
Carlo the Husky Pup
Dismal the Husky
Faith the Husky
Fog the Husky
Hemp the Husky
Jen the Husky
Joe the Husky
Kaimai and Carlo the Husky Puppies
Maru the Husky
Kari the Husky
Leo the Husky