Martin Schiller and Warren Dickinson coring pond ice at the front of the Lower Victoria Glacier
Martin Schiller coring ancient ice, Victoria Valley
Warren Dickinson with buried cans of milk left behind from 1970's camp at Meserve Glacier, Wright Valley
Walking to Kennar Valley camp
Happy trampers (Warren Dickinson and Martin Schiller) at the top, Kennar Valley
Large dust devil created by valley shear winds at the bottom of Bull Pass in Wright Valley
Tent mates, (L to R) Martin Schiller, Gretchen Williams, Ron Sletten
Martin Schiller and Warren Dickinson discussing the glacial erratic at front of the Victoria Lower Glacier
Ice cave protected by icicles, at the front of Packard Glacier
Martin Schiller on Mullins lake, Mullins Valley
Martin Schiller and Warren Dickinson fencing with icicles
Dan Zwartz levels across the Lower Victoria Valley to determine the elevation of a moraine on the opposite side
K047 members (L to R) Warren Dickinson, Andrew Mackintosh, Leigh Hyland, and Dan Zwartz, sitting on Brawhm Pass with Altar Mt in background
Warren Dickinson and Andrew Mackintosh taking a sample of permafrosted sediment at a stream cut in the Lower Victoria Valley
Taking an ice core sample from an ancient glacier in the Dry Valleys, which holds vital information about the history of this region
Footsteps and people on the sand dunes of Lower Victoria Valley
Waterfall wall at the front of the Packard Glacier, Lower Victoria Valley
Warren Dickinson feels the ablated surface of pond ice in Farnell Valley
Leigh Hyland and Warren Dickinson prepare to wrap a block of relict ice which has been excavated from Beacon Valley
Dan Zwartz and Leigh Hyland taking resistivity measurements on the floor of the Lower Victoria Valley
In the Polar Haven Awaiting a Long Overdue Helo