K230 & K236, Group photo, L –R Joyce, Neil, Clare.
Clare in Lower Wright Valley.
Joyce in helicopter.
Group photo with Mt Electra behind
Joyce in a Hagglunds.
Clare photographing ice crack
Clare at Barne Glacier
Joyce preparing camera, Barne Glacier
Joyce setting up camera at Erebus Ice Tongue, Neil also with camera, behind.
Picnic lunch at Erebus Ice Tongue, L-R: Joyce, Abel (AFT Instructor), Neil.
Joyce & Simon, AFT Instructor photographing at Ice Fall,
Joyce & Simon, AFT Instructor photographing at Ice Fall.
Neil & Joyce checking her negatives, Scott Base darkroom
Joyce checking camera, vicinity of Scott Base
Joyce holding her first daguerrotype
Clare getting kitted out at Antarctica NZ, Christchurch
Emperor penguins coming towards a group, on sea ice just south of Camp Haskell
Preparing the camera at the Barne Glacier
A Daguerreotype made in Antarctica, Scott Base darkroom.