Archaeal diversity revealed in Antarctic sea ice
Details of Research
TitleArchaeal diversity revealed in Antarctic sea iceAbstractArchaea, once thought to be only extremophiles, are now known to be abundant in most environments. They can predominate in microbial communities and be significantly involved in many global biogeochemical cycles. However, Archaea have not been reported in Antarctic sea ice. Our understanding of the ecology of Antarctic sea ice prokaryotes is still in its infancy but this information is important if we are to understand their diversity, adaptations and biogeochemical roles in Antarctic systems. We detected Archaea in sea ice at two sampling sites taken from three subsequent years using conserved 16S rRNA gene archaeal primers and PCR. Archaeal abundance was measured using quantitative PCR and community diversity was investigated by sequencing cloned 16S rRNA gene PCR products. Archaea in Antarctic sea ice were found to be in low abundance consisting of ≤ 6.6% of the prokaryotic community. The majority, 90.8% of the sequences, clustered with the recently described phylum Thaumarchaeota, one group closely clustered with the ammonia-oxidizing Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus. The remainder of the clones grouped with the Euryarchaeota. â"' Copyright Antarctic Science Ltd 2011.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments that improved the quality of the paper. The authors also thank Antarctica New Zealand for logistical support, especially Shulamit Gordon and Brian Staite. We would also like to thank Andrew Martin, Eileen Koh, Stuart Donachie, Libby Liggins, Daniel McNaughtan and Simon Davy for assistance with sample collection. KGR acknowledges the support of the Foundation of Research Science and Technology (FRST): contract number VICX0706. This research was also funded in part by a FRST scholarship awarded to ROMC.
1st AuthorCowie, R.AuthorCowie, R.Maas, E.Ryan, K.Year2011JournalAntarctic ScienceVolume23Number6Pages531-536DOI10.1017/S0954102011000368URL cycleextremophilemarine ecosystemmicrobial communitypolymerase chain reactionprokaryotesea icespecies diversity, Southern Ocean, ArchaeaCandidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimusEuryarchaeotaProkaryota, rank5Author Keywords16S rRNAmicrobial communitiesprokaryotesSIMCO
TypeArticleCitationCowie, R., Maas, E. and Ryan, K. (2011). Archaeal diversity revealed in Antarctic sea ice. Antarctic Science, 23(6): 531-536 IdentifierCowie2011Relevancerank5
Ryan, K., Archaeal diversity revealed in Antarctic sea ice, [Cowie2011]. Antarctica NZ, accessed 11/02/2025,, 10.1017/S0954102011000368