The meroplankton community of the oceanic Ross Sea during la
Details of Research
TitleThe meroplankton community of the oceanic Ross Sea during late summerAbstractMeroplankton community studies in the Antarctic have primarily focused on the coastal waters of both the Antarctic Peninsula and the Ross Sea. The New Zealand International Polar Year - Census of Antarctic Marine Life (IPY-CAML) voyage to the Ross Sea during the late summer (February-March) 2008 provided the first meroplankton samples from three regions in the deep, oceanic waters of the Ross Sea (shelf, slope and adjacent offshore Antarctic waters of Admiralty Seamount and Scott Island). We used a combined morphological and molecular approach to identify 36 larval operational taxonomic units based on sequences from three loci (16S, 18S, COI), and exclude early developmental stages of holoplankton. Overall, larval abundance was lower than previous Antarctic studies (5.19 specimens per 100 m3), with larvae most abundant in the first 200 m of the water column and most diverse in the shelf region. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences in the meroplankton community between regions and depth ranges, but with low similarity within these groupings; differences between water masses were undetectable due to the confounding effect with both region and depth. The influence of nearby benthic populations (e.g. the acorn barnacle Bathylasma corolliforme) and/or locally abundant taxa (e.g. the nudibranch Tergipes antarcticus) was evident in the meroplankton community. © Antarctic Science Ltd 2013.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank all the crew of the RV Tangaroa during the IPY-CAML voyage and especially Dr Julie Hall and Lisa Bryant for collection of the samples. We also want to thank Dr Dorothea Heimeier for advice and help on molecular identification, Michael Hudson for help in sample sorting, and Dr Brian McArdle for statistical advice. This research was partially funded by the New Zealand Government under the New Zealand International Polar Year--Census of Antarctic Marine Life project (Phase 1: So001IPY; Phase 2: IPY2007-01). We gratefully acknowledge project governance by the Ministry of Fisheries Science Team and the Ocean Survey 20/20 CAML Advisory Group (Land Information New Zealand, Ministry of Fisheries, Antarctica New Zealand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and National Institute of Water and Atmosphere Ltd). DNA sequencing was funded by the Antarctic Science Bursary, Antarctic Science Ltd and the University of Auckland. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments that greatly improved the quality of the final manuscript.Funding DetailsUniversity of Auckland; University of Auckland
1st AuthorGallego, R.AuthorGallego, R.Lavery, S.Sewell, M.Year2014JournalAntarctic ScienceVolume26Number4Pages345-360DOI10.1017/S0954102013000795URL ecologycrustaceangastropodlarvameroplanktonmolecular analysismorphologysummertaxonomyabundancecommunity compositioninvertebrate, Admiralty MountainsAntarcticaRoss SeaSouthern OceanTransantarctic Mountains, BalanidaeBathylasma corolliformeInvertebrataTergipesThoracica, rank5Author KeywordsAntarcticalarvaemarine invertebratesmolecular identificationplankton
TypeArticleCitationGallego, R., Lavery, S. and Sewell, M. (2014). The meroplankton community of the oceanic Ross Sea during late summer. Antarctic Science, 26(4): 345-360 doi:10.1017/S0954102013000795 IdentifierGallego2014Relevancerank5
Sewell, M., The meroplankton community of the oceanic Ross Sea during la , [Gallego2014]. Antarctica NZ, accessed 16/02/2025,, 10.1017/S0954102013000795