Diversity, relative abundance, new locality records, and upd
Details of Research
TitleDiversity, relative abundance, new locality records, and updated fish fauna of the Ross Sea regionAbstractTwo surveys were carried out in the Ross Sea region during February and March 2004 and 2008 from the New Zealand RV Tangaroa. Fishes were sampled on the continental shelf and slope of the Ross Sea, and on adjacent seamounts to the north, mainly using a large demersal fish trawl and a large mesopelagic fish trawl. Parts of the shelf and slope were stratified by depth and at least three random demersal trawls were completed in each stratum, enabling biomass estimates of demersal fish to be calculated. Fish distribution data from these two surveys were supplemented by collections made by observers from the toothfish fishery. A diverse collection of over 2500 fish specimens was obtained from the two surveys representing 110 species in 21 families. When combined with previous documented material this gave a total species list of 175, of which 135 were from the Ross Sea shelf and slope (to the 2000 m isobath). Demersal species-richness, diversity and evenness indices all decreased going from the shelf to the slope and the seamounts. In contrast, indices for pelagic species were similar for the slope and seamounts/abyss but were much lower for the shelf. â"' 2013 Antarctic Science Ltd.AcknowledgementsA large number of people were involved in the planning, preparation, mobilization, and conduct of the two surveys considered here. They are too numerous to name, but in particular the officers and crew of RV Tangaroa, and the scientific staff during the surveys, are acknowledged. We also thank the scientific observers and fishing companies for returning specimens from the toothfish fishery. We are grateful to Joe Eastman, Tom Near, David Stein, and Peter Møller for verifying at-sea fish identifications and also to Peter Smith for crosschecking identifications using DNA barcoding. This research was funded by the New Zealand Government under the New Zealand International Polar Year-Census of Antarctic Marine Life Project (Phase 1: So001IPY, Phase 2: IPY2007-01). We gratefully acknowledge project governance by the Ministry of Fisheries Science Team and the Ocean Survey 20/20 CAML Advisory Group (Land Information New Zealand, Ministry of Fisheries, Antarctica New Zealand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd). We are also grateful to the reviewers for their constructive comments.
1st AuthorHanchet, S.AuthorHanchet, S.Stewart, A.McMillan, P.Clark, M.ODÌriscoll, R.Stevenson, M.Year2013JournalAntarctic ScienceVolume25Number5Pages619-636DOI10.1017/S0954102012001265URLhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/recor.....5d4f5f36a4d7604df8187c3abKeywordscontinental shelfpelagic fishpopulation distributionseamountspecies richnesssurveyingtrawling, Ross SeaSouthern Ocean, rank5Author KeywordsAntarcticademersal fishmesopelagic fishspecies-richness
TypeArticleCitationHanchet, S., Stewart, A., McMillan, P., Clark, M., O'Driscoll, R. and Stevenson, M. (2013). Diversity, relative abundance, new locality records, and updated fish fauna of the Ross Sea region. Antarctic Science, 25(5): 619-636IdentifierHanchet2013Relevancerank5
Stevenson, M., Diversity, relative abundance, new locality records, and upd , [Hanchet2013]. Antarctica NZ, accessed 07/02/2025, https://adam.antarcticanz.govt.nz/nodes/view/63539, 10.1017/S0954102012001265