Local and regional influences over soil microbial metacommun
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TitleLocal and regional influences over soil microbial metacommunities in the Transantarctic MountainsAbstractThe metacommunity concept provides a useful framework to assess the influence of local and regional controls over diversity patterns. Culture-independent studies of soil microbial communities in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of East Antarctica (77 degrees S) have shown that bacterial diversity is related to soil geochemical gradients, while studies targeting edaphic cyanobacteria have linked local diversity patterns to dispersal-based processes. In this study, we increased the spatial extent of observed soil microbial communities to cover the Beardmore Glacier region in the central Transantarctic Mountains (84 degrees S). We used community profiling techniques to characterize diversity patterns for bacteria and the cyanobacterial subcomponent of the microbial community. Diversity partitioning was used to calculate beta diversity and estimate among-site dissimilarity in the metacommunity. We then used variation partitioning to assess the relationship between beta diversity and environmental and spatial gradients. We found that dominant groups in the soil bacterial metacommunity were influenced by gradients in pH and soil moisture at the Transantarctic scale (800 km). Conversely, beta diversity for the cyanobacterial component of the edaphic microbial metacommunity was decoupled from these environmental gradients, and was more related to spatial filters, suggesting that wind-driven dispersal dynamics created cyanobacterial biogeography at a local scale (<3 km). Copyright 2013 Sokol et al.AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by the US National ScienceFoundation (OPP-0944560 and OPP-1246292 awarded to S. C. C., and OPP-0944556 to J. E. B.). C. W. H. and S. C. C. were additionally supported by the New Zealand Marsden Fund (UOW0802). C. K. L. was supported bythe Foundation for Research, Science and Technology of New Zealand (UOWX0715) and the New Zealand Marsden Fund (UOW1003). We thank the Crary Lab Staff, Raytheon Polar Services and PHI for logistical support in the field. This work would not have beenpossible without help in the lab from Tom Niederberger, Adaline King, Eric Bottos, Roanna Richards,and Bobbie Niederlehner.
1st AuthorSokol, E.AuthorSokol, E.Herbold, C.Lee, C.Cary, S.Barrett, J.Year2013JournalEcosphereVolume4Number11DOI10.1890/ES13-00136.1URLhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/recor.....9880e18db25fdf48dc93686f2Keywordsrank3Author KeywordsAntarcticaBeta diversityBiogeographyDiversity partitioningMcMurdo Dry ValleysMetacommunitiesSoil microbial ecologyTransantarctic MountainsVariation partitioning
TypeArticleCitationSokol, E., Herbold, C., Lee, C., Cary, S. and Barrett, J. (2013) Local and regional influences over soil microbial metacommunities in the Transantarctic Mountains. Ecosphere, 4(11) doi:10.1890/ES13-00136.1 IdentifierSokol2013Relevancerank3
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Barrett, J., Local and regional influences over soil microbial metacommun , [Sokol2013]. Antarctica NZ, accessed 09/02/2025, https://adam.antarcticanz.govt.nz/nodes/view/63776, 10.1890/ES13-00136.1