On Friday were invited to the Carp shop party over at McMurdo. It was a great chance to rub elbows with some friendly American's and enjoy some live music from a group wintering over. It was a great night and an even better way to end a busy week.
The Easter bunny came to visit Scott base this year. Everybody got a bag of chocolate and a random name of somebody on base; we then had to hide the bag of chocolate and leave a clue as to where to find it. Some people got really in to the idea and left a maze / series of clues to find the chocolate.
Progress is really coming along on the project, with the hanger now complete we have all hands working on the HFC. We are putting up a lot of finishing linings, the upstairs has been framed out, and the guys are doing testing on the fire sprinklers tomorrow.
We are starting to get down to just a few hours of daylight a day, with the sun is setting around 5pm when we finish work. It is really changing the whole atmosphere as we start into winter!
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