Apprent-ICE 2016 Blog #3
It has been full steam ahead on the two HFC extensions with another week of great weather staying on average around -10°C ambient.
This week we have managed to put all of the PIR cladding on both the warm porch and container dock. We are continuing to prep the roof panels for installation in the following week. Over the weekend we had the last one of our team members arrive to install the six large garage doors.
During the winter period the staff level on Scott Base drops down to around 21 people so it is crucial that every staff member helps out when needed. This week has marked that start of 'mouse' duty. Over the summer months the NZDF are in charge of all the communication around Base, but as they have left we have got a roster in place to full this position. The 'mouse' is in charge of knowing the where-about's of any staff that are leaving/ off base and keeping close radio contact with them to insure they aren't in any kind of trouble. They also do a nightly walk around the base to check everything is the way it should be.
Over the winter it is everyone's job to help out in the event of a fire. We have been split up into teams of six. Every third week your team is on duty and responsible for responding to fire alarms on Base if the need arises. Team members include one crew chief, two trained personnel to get kitted up in breathing apparatus suits, auxiliary (first responder) and a hose runner. With the conditions being so dry down here we need to act rapidly and efficiently to stop any major fire from spreading. To achieve this Scott Base has an incredible smoke/heat detection warning system and we have regular drills so everyone is on top of their game in the event of a real fire.