Apprent-ICE Blog #14
Once a month at Scott Base, during winter, we are treated to a long weekend, where we're lucky enough to get Saturday and Sunday off. A perfect opportunity to unwind, relax then recharge after a long busy week. Time is usually spent catching up on sleep, movie marathons and getting out and about to attempt some night time photography, proving very difficult! The fortnightly photography club over at McMurdo has been a great place to discuss techniques , so hopefully we'll come away with some awesome shots before we leave in a month's time. I have attached a couple of photos taken of the cool sky's around base and one of Mt Erebus with one of the largest smoke plumes we've witnessed in our time here. Sights are almost no longer visible being officially 24hr darkness and getting darker by the day, but it has been cool seeing a full moon blearing in through the dining room window during the day.
The HFC construction project is humming along. There are already a few rooms with linings complete awaiting plaster, and soon to be a lot more in the coming weeks! We've tried our hand at some other trades, helping out the plumber, electrician and engineers as they need us. Something we don’t normally get the opportunity to do back home on out building sites , so it's been a great way to learn how and why other aspect of construction happen the way they do.